Friday, March 21, 2014

"Cultivating a Relationship"

In their initial state, these debris materials were not considered precious.  Students had to re-discover the value of each piece by spending time with it.  Scrubbing, soaking, sponging and rubbing each piece.  Working to remove the consequence of disregard.  It was hard.  It was tedious and time consuming and yet, beneath each layer, the material slowly revealed its hidden potential. 

Developing a relationship with the material is similar to "cultivating a relationship" with a friend or lover.  You begin to learn more about it's behavior, and how it will react.  You familiarize yourself with it's personal traits.  You grow to respect it…and at times you fight with it.

Paying thoughtful attention to develop a personal connection with the material.  To care.  To love; something that no one else did.  To give it a meaning and a new purpose.  A second chance, a rebirth.  

There is a very specific procedure for cleaning plastic bottles and removing labels and adhesives.  Check the Technical Advice page for more info on that... 

-Jacqueline McClure

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